Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Drug Problems

After reading Sam Herriage's post on Medical spending I found it to be an important topic that he explained very well. He explains the facts of Obama trying everything he can to putting a stop of the abuse of opioid epidemics, after looking at the unintentional percentage raise from these drugs, which is 14% from 2013 to 2014, its obvious that this is a problem that needs to be controlled. With other drugs options besides these ones that are often abused the choice is easy and Obama realizes that, with raising the law to being able to prescribe 200 can cause a huge change as well with the particular doctors Obama has chosen. With the White Houses adding 11 million dollars to this problem I believe such as Sam Herriage that we can start to get this problem under control.

Gun Control

Gun control is a large controversial topic in The United States, with facts to back up both reasons for raising gun control and not raising gun control. With Obamas trials to strengthen gun control through the years of being in office this has caused a booming growth in the gun industry creating many jobs for the American people. When looking at the gun industry and the constant jobs it’s bringing to America it makes gun control look impossible, since 2008 jobs in the gun industry raised from 166,000 to 288,000, which is a 73% increase, as well as in only 2015 creating 25,000 jobs. “The NSSF estimates that the gun industry currently has a total economic impact of nearly $50 billion. That’s up 158 percent from $19.1 billion in 2008. Wages in the industry rose 126 percent over the same time period. The average industry worker now receives $50,180 between wages and benefits.” “In 2015, the federal government collected $3.7 billion in tax revenue, an increase of 144 percent since 2008. State governments saw nearly double the tax revenue over the same period. Excise taxes are also up 92 percent.” When looking at those numbers of created jobs for people, while protecting our 2nd amendment and helping our struggling economy heightening gun control should be out of the question.


Monday, April 4, 2016

Big Money Dominance Has to Be Controlled

You often hear the term “It takes money to make money”, in recent cases with election spending it can get out of hand and cause a dominance of the election. Robert Wiessman writes for the Huffingtonpost on the topic in his article titled, “Big Money Dominance: It Will Get Worse — Much Worse — Unless We Stop It” where he states that big corperation’s and the super rich have a overwhelming advantage to an election and eighty-four percent of Americans agree. With big corporations being able to have such a great influence on funding elections it completely is a problem and can easily get worse if it is not stopped, when you look at the numbers Robert Wiessman provided in his article, “Cost of 2012 federal elections: $6.3 billion.
Projected cost of 2016 federal elections: $10 billion.
Total net worth of the Forbes 400 richest people in 2015: $2.34 trillion.

2015 profits — profits, not revenue! — of Fortune 500 companies: $945 billion” you can start to see how the major companies and super rich individuals can play a role in funding an election. These numbers are very scary when you think about it, all that money owned by big business companies can be used for better or worse when it comes to campaigning an election, which is why something needs to be done now before it gets worse to put a stop to basically monopolizing our elections.